Archive | April 2010

Hats Off

Ok, Eugene folks…do you see any resemblance to Betty Snowden??

You know, except for the age and skin/hair color…

Hello Froggy?

Grace: “Is this cup ‘Hello Kitty’?”
Me: “No, it is just a cup that is a kitty”

Owen: “Is mine Hewwo Fwoggy?”


Have I posted about Grace’s fascination with mermaids?

Have I posted that she likes to dress up as a mermaid with a blanket wrapped around her and a hair band around her ankles?

Have I posted that Owen likes to be a mermaid too?

Kind of cute, kind of weird…

Another Debate: Breakfast

Owen eats peanut butter bread for breakfast every day, and he has done this every day for at least 7-8 months.

Grace used to as well, but then started mixing things up by adding in cereal.

Pretty riveting, huh?

At the old house they often would eat breakfast while watching PBS cartoons.

Since moving to the new house they sit at the table together and eat breakfast. You know, good quality, family time.

And every day, EVERY DAY, every day (did I mention this was daily?) they argue about whose breakfast is good and whose is gross.

Owen: “Oh, yumm, peanut butter bed is so good.”
Grace: “No, Owen, peanut butter bread is icky, cereal is so good!”
Owen: “Grace! It’s not icky! That’s not fair! Cereal is icky for me! Peanut butter bed is so yummy!”
Grace: “Owen, this is so good, you should just try it! Do you want a bite of cereal?”
Owen: “Grace, cereal is not yummy for me! That hurts my feewings! Peanut butter bed is good for me!”

And as I may have mentioned, this happens EVERY DAY! They both start the argument, it isn’t always the same one being the instigator. And the other kiddo ALWAYS falls for it.

And they both have their own little ways of arguing and trying to pull the other one in to the argument, because, after all, what fun is it when the other doesn’t take the bait?

And me? Well, it just may send me over the edge…Luckily, I have my coffee and my computer and I can pretend I don’t hear it…

Oh, and this type of debate does extend to lunch as well. Mustard? Mayonnaise? Turkey? Cheese? Grace is in favor of all of those things and well, they are all “yucky” for Owen…

Bob’s Spot

Bob has taken a bit longer to adjust to the new house than Daisy or May.

Daisy has actually calmed down from her manic ways since we have moved. Now that we don’t have the picket fence on a busy corner and a big yard she seems to be mellowing…

May has figured out if she goes out to the front of the house she can be left alone for hours each day. Daisy can’t get out front and Bob, well Bob is just a scaredy cat…

He spends 90% of his time hiding…or at least trying to…

As long as his head is under the BBQ cover, he thinks he’s hidden.

No one said he was very bright…

Faces of Owie

Earlier this week I dared to call Owen “Sweetie Pie”…

Owen: “I not Sweetie Pie!”
Me: “Oh, what are you?”
Owen: “I’n just Owie, Mommy!”
Me: “Ok Just Owie.”
Owen: (laughs) “That’s funny!”

Mel (the 3rd) and Martha (the 2nd)

If you have read my blog for very long you know we have had a few fish critters.

We got Mel (the 1st) from Danny’s sister when she went to Niger. Mel lasted for a while

Martha is the big one on the left, Mel is the smaller one. So far Martha chases after Mel all day long. I fear that one day Martha will be bigger and Mel will be gone…if you catch my meaning…If that happens…this will be the end of the fish…

Dancing Moves

I hate to admit what they are watching…but the dancing is just too cute…

Princess with sparkly slippers

It is hard to be serious when your Prince shows up without his trousers!

Carry on!

Now watch this video, towards the end you will get to see some of Owen’s moves in action!

And here is another video that I posted a year and a half ago. It is blurry, but you get the idea…

He has a style all his own!

Another Debate: Icky Beavers

We have smart children, it’s no secret.

When they see a picture of this

they instinctively know to say “icky beavers!”

Well, an additional instinct that they seem to have is to argue…

The conversation started about the fact that they had green and yellow cups, Go Ducks! Owen agreed (naturally).

Then the more that Grace talked about it…We only want the Ducks to win because we are Ducks fans. Who would want Beavers to win? Who would cheer for the Beavers?

Well, Owen’s instinct to argue kicked in.

Grace: “You wouldn’t want the Beavers to win would you!?!?”
Owen: (weakly) “yeah”
Grace: (gasping)”Mommy! He said he wants the Beavers to win!!!” (as if he may get in trouble for it…which we will never openly admit to)
Me: “Of course he did, it’s the opposite of what you said!”
Grace: “Owen, that’s icky Beavers, if you cheer for the Beavers then you have to smell them!”

And clearly, Grace is our winner in this debate. A debate not based on feeling, but clear facts. I mean really, who would want to smell an icky Beaver?

The Last Birthday Post…

…at least for this year…

We went all out for Owen’s birthday this year, mostly because we had just moved and I didn’t have the time to make a cake so we bought one. An expensive one…and it was yummy.

Grace wanted cupcakes. So we did the .75 cent box of cake mix and then after I screwed up two batches of this frosting, I ran to the store and bought a can of frosting…

BUT, while the adults may have been able to tell the difference between the party treats…the kiddos were beyond excited about these cupcakes and I heard no complaints (except the ones in my own head).

Grace got a pretty princess dress and a pair of pink slippers (like Dorothy’s!) and we are already half way through reading “Ramona the Brave”.