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The Snow Day That Never Ends…

…it goes on and on and on…my friends.

We got about 6-8 inches of snow last Friday and it overstayed its welcome!!!

It was beautiful the first day. The kids played in it. Then the temperatures plummeted to zero and the air quality took a horrid turn and the kids were trapped at home for days. No school from Friday the 6th through Thursday the 12th. Owen didn’t get to go outside until he went to school the morning of the 13th. His asthma is terrible and we are just hoping for some warmer temps, air movement, maybe some rain and NO ICE. But mostly some good air quality for a change! It was so deceptive, it looked beautiful out and like you should be able to go get some nice fresh air. But no. The little man has been really patient with it all.
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The gutter chain grew in to a large icicle.

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Mother’s Day Pictures

On Mother’s Day we had a bbq at Danny’s mom and stepdad’s…   P1160185

Owen and Grandma Annie

Hanging out in the hammockP1160207





Every stick is a weapon…

Dr. Seuss Carnival Fun

My preschool had a Dr. Seuss carnival last week. My game was “pin the star on the Sneetch belly”.  As a child, The Sneetches was the Dr. Seuss book that I had. I loved it so much and  it was so fun to have the kids do crafts to decorate my area and to make a big giant Sneetch!


I was trying to mimic the feeling of the pages of the book with so many Sneetches…

And Grace still enjoys herself at the preschool carnival…P1150876


Santa’s Letter

Grace wrote a letter to Santa on Christmas Eve.
Santa Letter 2012a

Santa Letter 2012b

This is a picture of the Santa that she drew. One of my kiddos at school gave it to me.P1150690

From Friday’s post you can see that she got the locket (with space for four pictures) and the doll. Not pictured was the angry birds toy which she said was “even better than she hoped it would be.”

It’s so nice to have kids that are appreciative of what they get and reasonable in what they ask for…

Christmas and Christmas Eve

We spread out our Christmas fun on Christmas Eve and Christmas day. What lucky kids to get to open presents on both days!

We got to visit with most of the family, eat good food, and open presents, what more could you want? Oh yeah, and we watched A Christmas  multiple times!








Our motto “you can never have too much Duck gear!”

Owen was pretty excited to get a #6 De’Anthony Thomas jersey. You should see how fast he
is when he wears it!



Christmas Tree

Danny, the kids, and I went to a new Christmas tree place this year. The one we had gone to was nearby, busy, expensive and a little too trendy. So on the recommendation of my co-worker we tried a new place. It was great, and a third the price!

Owen was the saw carrier


And when we found our tree, we knew it was perfect for us when we saw this little guy.P1150586


10th Anniversary

Friday was our 10th anniversary. Inspired by this post, I thought I would write our story in 6 words…But I had to do a couple of different ones.

{Sweet Boy. Sweet Girl. 10 years.}

{Met in sixth grade. Still together.}

{Ittybitty Mommy. Ittybitty Daddy. Ittybitty Kids.}

Happy 10 years Sweet Boy:)

The Library

One of the things that I love about the town we live in is our library. When we lived down near Eugene we couldn’t check out at the library without buying a membership (since we were out of city limits). And frankly, it was a big, inconvenient library right in downtown Eugene. Not always somewhere that I wanted to go with my 3 year-old and my baby.

Once we moved, I immediately got a library card at the library here. There is also a branch near my preschool where I can pick stuff up. Good parking, and it is very kid friendly too.

But the thing that really makes me smile when I go…is this statue…

She reminds me of Grace, only quieter…



Grace and Owen got to spend last week at Grandma and Grandpa Ruby’s with two of their cousins, Maclin and Aiden.

They had so much fun and I am so glad they got this special time to get to know their cousins a little better!

Hopefully Grandma and Grandpa are recovering:)

Owen: “Grandma said we could have as many popsicles as we wanted. She actually meant we could have two!”

Is It Just Us??

Or do you also have pictures of various types of animal poop too?

It’s particularly pleasant when these pop up on the screensaver during dinner…