
My name is Darcy and I am a mom of two adorable children. Grace is 7 and Owen is 4. My husband Danny and I have been married for almost 9 years.  We live in the Willamette Valley in Oregon.


7 responses to “About”

  1. Allison says :

    Great sight! Love the stories and pics! Love the pics of Grace & Owen! Glad to hear you all and Owen are doing well!

  2. diana gardner-williams says :

    Hello Darcy,

    I was unaware that CDH even existed.

    Thank you for sharing your story

    Peace Love and Hugs from Above


  3. cindygert says :

    Hi Darcy,

    Thanks for commenting on my sweater bag tutorial. I hope to see one made from you. I have a little guy names Owen also…..only he will be 5 years old next month.

    I have never heard of CDH either. I hope all is going well.

    I love your blog!!!


  4. rhapsodyinbooks says :

    Hi Darcy,
    You might be interested in the contest on my blog; it’s for 3 books, one on celiac disease, one of nutritional disease disorder, and one on kids nutrition in general. Contest open until May 20.


  5. Tylyn says :

    I Love how you are bringing awareness to CDH. I never heard of it untill my son was diagnosed when i was 26 weeks pregnant. He spent over two months at UCSF. we are home now, and he is doing ok, still has a feeding tube and oxygen.. but one day at a time! he will be five months old on November 7th.

    • ittybittyblog says :

      Thanks for leaving a comment! I am glad that your little guy is doing well! Sounds like you have had a tougher road than we did. I hope he continues to get healthier and stronger!

  6. Sarah says :


    I found your blog, which is great, when searching for the Dr. Seuss book of the Sneetches and other Stories. I live in Cambodia and would like to read that book to children here, but I cannot get a pdf version (or even a picture/jpeg of each page). Is there any chance you might be willing to scan or take a photo of each page and email me. That would be SO kind of you and the children here and I REALLY appreciate it.

    Thank you again,
    email: sunnyroadsarah@gmail.com

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