Archive | May 2010

Bad Boys!

Owen: “I’n not a bad boy! Bad boys go to jail!”
Me: “What are boys that don’t listen to their Mommy and Daddy and get out of bed when they’re supposed to be sleeping?”
Owen: “Get out of bed?”
Me: “Yeah, who get out of bed when they’re not supposed to. What are those boys called?”
Owen: “Uh, Owen?”


I don’t lose my keys. That is more my husband’s domain.

This morning when it was time to take Grace to school and I couldn’t find mine. Danny’s were sitting on the key hook so I grabbed those and took them.

I said to him, “I can’t find my keys.”

And he smiled and said “Oh, I wonder what you did with them.” With a smile…the smile that says “Ha, you do it too!”

When I got home from taking Grace I asked Owen (who was a sickie on the couch) if he played with my keys, he said “yes”. I asked where he put them. Smiling he says “wouldn’t it be funny if they were in the big garbage can?” (this is what he calls garbage trucks).

Oddly, I said that wasn’t funny and to get up and help me find them.

So I made my pukey little boy look around in the toy room for my keys. He wasn’t much help, the problem was that he kept saying that he’d played with them or spots where they were, but then they weren’t there.

He did nothing to help his cause.

I finally put him back on the couch and promptly had a memory…

My sweet husband, who was peacefully sleeping upstairs since he is working nights, had used my keys yesterday to put his car in the garage. That is the last time I saw them.

When he woke up I asked him about it and he said “Oh, they’re probably in a pair of my pants upstairs.”

I reminded him of his comment about “what I had done with them” and he just smiled.

My keys are back on the key hook…

Egg Nog, Anyone?

“Do you want some egg nog Mommy?”

“There’s eggs in there!”

and the silver necklace is whip cream!

“Mmm, that’s good stuff!”

Crazy Dog

About a month after we moved here Daisy started having issues with her food. She wouldn’t eat it. She was making weird movements with her nose around her dish. She would dump out her food or try to cover it up with the rug. Eventually she would eat it but she was just weird. We switched food bowls and that seemed to help, but sometimes she still has problems.

I fed her one day before I had to take Grace to school. When I got home I found this…

She had managed to dump out her bowl and then sit it back on top of her food…

Oh, what does it all mean you crazy dog!?!?


A few things heard from the little rascal…
Owen: (while watching his tractor video) “Why the peoples callin’ it bad car?”
Me: “They’re saying “Back hoe” not bad car.”
Owen: “Oh! A back hoe is for picking up dirt!”
Owen (wiping furiously at the tears on his face): “Tryin’ get the cryin’ off my face, can’t get the cryin’ off Mommy!”
Owen: (crying) “Want the water off of me! I need a rag!”
Owen: “Had good sleep Mommy, the sun woke me up, sun was talkin’!”
Owen (when we were encouraging him to sit on Santa’s lap): “Just want walk past Santa and get candy.”
Owen: “Grumpy wif dis boy. No want dis boy sniff me.”


Grace loves to take pictures with our camera. When I upload the pictures to my computer it is always interesting to see what I find. It is usually a bunch of blurry shots of furniture and Daisy, but this time there was something different…

This little monkey was also busted for “accidentally” climbing on the bathroom counter and for opening one of his dresser drawers and hanging from it…TODAY… This was all in one day!

Raining Cats

Wednesday was a rainy day. The kiddos wanted to watch a movie and we let Bob in so he could get some snugs.

Then, as usual, Bob takes things too far and starts biting blankies and kneading…

He got the boot…

May is not so much the snuggler…Although Owen would also like to get his hands around her neck…

Random Things…

~I just completed an online survey for James Madison University about reading to your children. It took about 10 minutes, head on over if you are interested.

~On that same topic is this article on the NY Times about a Father-Daughter duo that read together every night until the daughter started college. Pretty neat!

~Have you seen There are a couple of different “games” that you can play and each correct answer means a donation of 10 grains of rice to feed the hungry. I especially like the English Vocabulary/Grammar, Geography, and Language Learning. Fun for your inner linguist!

~I also like the History Channels Place the State game. As if any of us needs more to do on the internet, but whatever…

~These look fun to make with kiddos…If I do it, I’ll post about it…Maybe when Auntie Kaeley comes this summer:)

~Our cat Bob has caught FOUR mice since we moved to our new house. He has left all of them for me out on our patio in the backyard. He doesn’t eat them. He just kills them. Not sure where he finds them as these dead ones are the only ones I have ever seen…They are pretty cute, except that they are dead.

Stupid Freak

We (I) have been having some problems with some of Owen’s words lately. He has added the words “stupid” and “freak” to his vocabulary. Grace is usually the one that gets called “stupid” and he calls me “freak”. Nice, huh?

I have explained that these words aren’t nice and that they hurt feelings, but they just keep slipping out of his sweet little mouth.

I have been giving him time-outs consistently each time he says one of the words and it might be getting better, it is just hard to tell.

But just this morning he looks at me with a little smile and says “bad people are stupid, that’s nice.”

He is obviously trying to figure out in what situations he can say the words. Testing the limits to see what he can get away with. He has learned that Sissy will tell on him. Every time.

This morning I told him “no” when he asked me for something and he got so mad at me and called me a “freak”. I jumped right up and told him to get in the chair for time-out.  He just cried and cried like his little heart was broken (which is an entirely different post).

When he got up I said “what do you say to Mommy for using a bad word?”
Owen: “Thank you, I mean sorry Mommy.”

I won’t even mention my struggles with “damn it”.

Sweet Conversation

(Grace and Owen, February 2008)

Grace: “Hey Bud, I’m drawing a picture for my friend Camilla.”
Owen: “You’re doin’ a good job.”
Grace: “Thanks!”
Owen: “I missed you!”
Grace: “What?”
Owen: “I missed you today.”
Grace: “I missed you too Bud.”