Archive | July 2011

Extraction Day #2

Grace had her second set of extractions done last week. She loved it last time so she was quite excited to go.
Unfortunately, this time was not nearly as fun. She refused the Tylenol with Codeine and so wasn’t quite as relaxed.
But it was her lucky day because after she was done she got to go see Auntie Kaeley who had just arrived from North Carolina.
Just like last time, she bounced back quite quickly and did great. I expected her to have a harder time and to be scared, but she did so well…
She did ask me that night why my teeth were so straight and pretty and hers weren’t. I told her that they were pretty, we just had to get them straight and we were working on it and that mine weren’t always straight and pretty, that it took a lot of work (and money, ahem..) to get them this way.

Who, Me?

Of course not Mommy…
On a recent, productive weekend day we decided to clean vehicles. As we started to wash Danny’s car I noticed a couple of scratches on it.

It only took a moment to notice some striking similarities…

You may remember when I posted about Owen learning to write his name…He often only gets the “O” and the “W” which is actually written as a “M”

Well, the little bugger decided to write his name on Daddy’s car one day while it was parked in the garage.

It took awhile to get him to admit it, but he finally did, it couldn’t have been anyone else…

Summer Reading at Our House

Grace and I have been reading a lot this summer (well and the spring too). We have been to the library several times and despite her saying “no more chapter books for a little while”, she is devouring them.

My reads:
I have just finished reading the Maisie Dobbs series by Jacqueline Winspear. I absolutely loved it. There were 8 books and I enjoyed all except one (Among the Mad). The books are set after WWI in England.

A few other books I have read recently and enjoyed are The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, La’s Orchestra Saves the World, actually anything by Alexander McCall Smith.

I seem to be really taken with WWI/WWII England right now…

Any suggestions?

Grace has been reading all sorts of chapter books. She loves to read before bed (as do we) and now that it is summer she has been reading as late as she wants.

Books and series she is loving:
The Ramona series by Beverly Cleary
The Penderwicks series by Jeanne Birdsall
The Betsy-Tacy books by Maud Hart Lovelace

We have had a hard time getting the third book in the Penderwicks series at our local library. When we were there yesterday the librarian said they had it on CD. We decided to give it a try and Grace loves it. She said “I can do whatever I want and just listen to it! She never stops talking, she just keeps reading and reading!” The set was over 7 hours and she listened to almost half of it yesterday while coloring and playing paper dolls. Not sure how much she is absorbing, but she loves it!

She also still loves her Fairy books but she doesn’t seem to be devouring them like she was.

Every month or two she tries to read a book about Helen Keller that was mine when I was a kid. Each time she gets a little farther before she abandons it. I think that one is hard to grasp.

Well that’s what we’re reading. What about you?

Frame Fun

Before I put the frames together we had a little fun…

Frame Project

I recently had some 11 x 14 poster prints made when there was a sale at I have had them for a couple of months but no frames to put them in.

I didn’t want some cheap poster frame and the cheapest frames at Target were about $20.00, so I decided to try Goodwill.

I found these beauties…

Two of the frames were $9.99 and one was $6.99. I was hoping they would all be around $6.99. O’well,.

I picked up a can of this spray paint.

I wiped down the frames and removed the glass and cleaned it up…This part was a bit of a chore, I didn’t want to remove the staples/nails completely, but some of the glass was really hard to get out because it was wedged in by those staples.

I spray painted out in the garage.

The frames dried in just a couple of hours, but I waited to reassemble until the next day.

For Owen’s room

For Grace’s room

For our room

Now we just need to hang them:)

Playing in the Creek

There is this fantastic creek at the beach that runs down to the ocean. The water is warmer and more calm than the ocean. Daisy loves it too because she can drink it and clear out some of the sand. The kids love it because they can play in it, and where it meets the ocean it is the best of both worlds, the ocean surf and warm creek water.

Building Sandcastles

Over Father’s Day weekend we went to the cabin at the beach with Grandma and Grandpa Ruby. As usual, I have a ton of pictures, so I am going to spread them out over a couple of posts.

Owen had so much fun digging in the sand and building “sandcastles”.