First Day of School

Today is the first day of 1st grade for Miss Grace!

Last week we went up to her school for a “Meet and Greet” so she could see her classroom, meet her teacher and take her school supplies.

Today was the actual first day. Owen, Daisy and I walked her down to the bus this morning. I didn’t embarrass her with bus pictures, but I could have because there was only one other child that didn’t get a ride with Mommy on the first day…

Owen was not too excited about leaving Sissy on that bus and he was already saying he missed her on the walk home. He seems to be recovering ok as he is laying on the couch with Minnie watching his tractor movie. Something he rarely got to do when Sissy was around…

5 responses to “First Day of School”

  1. Alyce says :

    Very cute photos! Kenny had his first day of fourth grade today – makes me feel old. 🙂

    Nathan starts kindergarten on Friday. We’ve been playing a lot of board games this morning so that he doesn’t feel left out.

  2. Jen says :

    Hope Grace has a wonderful first day!!

  3. Kaeley says :

    Hope she has a great day! And Owen starts tomorrow? I love that pic of the two of them, very cute!

  4. tottallytinymaclin says :

    She looks so pretty in her little dress!!! I hope she had fun on the first day!!

  5. Laura says :

    Yay for Grace!!!!
    I thought bringing the boys to school was hard today. I can’t even imagine putting them on a bus!

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