Archive | June 2010

Blog Break

Ok folks, I’m getting tired.

Danny got a chest cold about a month ago, passed it to Grace, then Owen, then me. Mine turned into a sinus infection and pink eye. Luckily, on Friday, my in-laws were here and while they played with the kiddos I went to the doctor and got all sorts of medicine.

Saturday Grace woke up cruddy. Today Owen is sneezy with a drippy nose. Will it never stop?

I’m just so tired. On top of not feeling well myself, getting up with them during the night because they are coughing is just so tiring. I don’t think I was up with them during the night this much even when they were babies…I am sure Danny would get up too, but he has been working graveyard 4 nights out of 7, so no chance to sleep in. He’s worn out too, it’s not just me:(

We’ve been cuddling a lot on the couch and watching movies. Me and the kids that is, because Danny’s sleeping.

I think I have posted something on the blog every weekday since the end of August…I need a little break:) I am not sure how long I will take and maybe I’ll do the every-other-day thing like last summer…

Happy Summer Folks!

Crazy Making…

Owen: “I hafta go poddy.”
Me: (as I am putting him on the potty) “You’ve done a good job today.”
Owen: “I know, I didn’t say any bad words today, just yesterday.”
Me: “I mean you’ve done good because you haven’t had any accidents today.”
Owen: “Yeah, I didn’t fall on my head and get hurt today!”
Me: “No, I mean you’ve done a good job telling me you have to go potty so that you didn’t have any accidents.”
Owen: “Oh, I didn’t wee my pants?”
Me: “No, you’ve done a good job today.”

I guess I should have just said “good job not weeing your pants today!”


I guess that title implies there is actually one that turned out…

Yeah, there wasn’t…

The Biggest Marshmallows…Ever!

On a recent trip to the coast we found the biggest marshmallows I have ever seen. They were vanilla and strawberry and were 1 ounce each.

We couldn’t resist, and the kiddos loved them.

They were ok. Despite my fascination with things that are either much larger than normal or much smaller than normal, these weren’t my favorites, they had a very gummy and overly sweet (I KNOW!) quality, even for marshmallows…

Sick Boy

Owen had a very minor, very quick case of the stomach flu…

This crazy cat, who can’t stand to be around the kiddos, was so agitated by Owen being sick.
She kept jumping up and trying to cuddle with him and then getting down.
She knew something wasn’t right, just didn’t know what to do…

Fell asleep watching his tractor movie

Fell asleep on the floor after getting sick…”floor feels good Mommy”

Cousins Hanging Out

Last weekend we got to see Danny’s brother Chris and his family.

I got a couple of pics of the kiddos together. When Mac starting smiling Owen’s face just lit up and Grace told him “pretty soon he’s going to be your buddy!”

It’s so fun to have a new cousin!