Here Comes Santa Claus!

WARNING: This post was created on cold medicine. I can’t be fully responsible for any part of it…

It’s that time of year again…

For those of you who know me or have been reading this blog for a year, you know that I have a collection of Santas. I put the Santas up anytime after Halloween. The majority of the Santas are short and fat as that is how the tradition was started. (My sister got the tall and skinny ones).

I of course realized later that I could buy myself whichever kind I wanted so there are some taller ones working their way into my collection. I do have a distinct memory of a very tall skinny Santa that one of my former roommates (Laura) got me for Christmas about 10 years ago that I just can’t find…Maybe it is visiting in North Carolina with my sister’s Santas…

The kids helped me put the Santas up this year. They were both pretty excited!



At Danny’s suggestion, I put them in multiple places around the house because there are just too many for one location



I also replaced the little ornament tree from last year because there were too many ornaments and the tree kept falling off the bookshelf…Danny helped me (or I helped him) make this frame with chicken wire to hang the ornaments on…it still needs a little something more…

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One of my finds last year was this ornament set. It took my sister and me quite some time to figure out what was going on with these guys since they were up on a tree with other ornaments. Then Kaeley figured out they spelled N-O-E-L. Couldn’t pass that up, especially at 75% off and with a gift certificate:)


Time for some Christmas spirit!!

If you want to see more Holiday posts, go visit The Inspired Room!

10 responses to “Here Comes Santa Claus!”

  1. Sonya says :

    Kooky! I have to admit that I find some of them to be rather cool (especially the ornaments). Although, for me, it’s a Santa overload! 😛 I’m not really a collector, but I do have this fascination and love for Christmas music (most every kind) and Christmas movies. I have to listen to and watch every single one before the holidays are over… preferably before Christmas Day!

    Already my poor husband is close to having an apoplectic fit any time he hears Christmas music in the stores…

  2. ittybittyblog says :

    “Santa overload” what is that?

  3. Fer says :

    I love xmas songs as well and I am just starting to collect xmas stuff. I am not fascinated with xmas because of my brother’s story…

  4. kaeley says :

    I think I am justified in getting my Santas out now, since I will miss 2+ weeks with them later…I’ll send you a picture when they are up and you can see if you can spot the Santa from Laura. I think that the frame needs lights!!! Or maybe some of that fake tree garland with lights in it, around the edge…Glad to see that the NOEL Santas survived the year, can you tell which one was broken?
    Love you,

  5. Laura says :

    Ah, the Santas!
    I love that you have forever remained in the collecting cause.
    I seem to have snowmen at my house, but not sure if I’m in the official collecting phase.
    What are you doing for Grace???

  6. ittybittyblog says :

    Hey Laura!
    Of course I am still in the collecting cause:)
    We are doing angels for Grace and snowmen for Owen:)
    Miss you!

  7. Kristyn says :

    My younger sister collects Santas, although I’m not sure when is the last time she had her display out–she has a curious 2 year old and a rambunctious dog. 😉 I was always jealous of the cool Santas she would get–my parents travel quite a bit and they would always find unique Santas for her. My mom will still buy her Santas for Christmas, although it has toned down some.

    My older sister started collecting nativity scenes. I decided I had to do something, too, so I do snowmen.

    Love the Santa collection! 🙂


  8. ittybittyblog says :

    Hi Kristyn,
    I can totally relate to your sister, we have a curious almost two year old and a rambunctious puppy. The shelf I put the Santas on is almost up to my shoulder. We still have to stop Owen, he’ll get the chair and push it over so he can investigate, which is never only with his eyes:)
    I like your idea from your other comment about the miniature tree. That would be so cute!

  9. Holly says :

    That frame is the cutest idea!

  10. Melissa @ The Inspired Room says :

    Super cute! Love your collection and that frame too.


    Happy Thanksgiving!


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