Archive | May 19, 2010

Random Things…

~I just completed an online survey for James Madison University about reading to your children. It took about 10 minutes, head on over if you are interested.

~On that same topic is this article on the NY Times about a Father-Daughter duo that read together every night until the daughter started college. Pretty neat!

~Have you seen There are a couple of different “games” that you can play and each correct answer means a donation of 10 grains of rice to feed the hungry. I especially like the English Vocabulary/Grammar, Geography, and Language Learning. Fun for your inner linguist!

~I also like the History Channels Place the State game. As if any of us needs more to do on the internet, but whatever…

~These look fun to make with kiddos…If I do it, I’ll post about it…Maybe when Auntie Kaeley comes this summer:)

~Our cat Bob has caught FOUR mice since we moved to our new house. He has left all of them for me out on our patio in the backyard. He doesn’t eat them. He just kills them. Not sure where he finds them as these dead ones are the only ones I have ever seen…They are pretty cute, except that they are dead.